Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thank You for the Support for a Glowforge


Over one week ago, I announced I preordered Glowforge laser cutter.  For those who helped me out by purchasing through my referral link,

Thank You!

As a small business, even the basic model is a huge investment and each of you made a difference.    Much of my spare time was focused on learning on what I was really getting into.  All the previous research showed meant a lot of tinkering with a low cost offshore machine and learning new software.  After hovering in the forums and watching more videos, I’m convinced that this machine is the right one for me.  I admit one concern the machine is completely wireless – meaning internet is required and designs are transmitted through a cloud.  Glowforge did leave it open source that if they ever go under, then we could still reprogram it so we could continue using it.    That’s something to consider.  For me, I’m pretty rusty in my coding skills, but I still have confidence the company will be around long after the first generation pre-order units have been delivered and they’ll have 2nd and 3rd generations in the years to come.

If you are still thinking of getting your own, you can still get 40% of the retail price on the preorder and if you click on this link here, you can still get $100 off your purchase

Bosskut_Gazelle_Digital_Die_CutterUnfortunately for me, I probably will not receive my unit until sometime in 2016 so it’s going to be a tough time as I have many ideas in my mind that my BossKut Gazzelle isn’t able to do.  In fact, I’m already sketching out ideas and I’m pretty sure I’ll have a few SVGs ready in a few weeks!

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