Thursday, October 30, 2014

Born a Bitch, Not a Witch


Earlier this month, my friend and I were having a conversation and realized her birthday is near the end of October.   I asked if her birthday was on Halloween.  Her response, 

“Nope, I was born a Bitch, not a Witch”

Monday, October 27, 2014

Cindy Ho Designs – Year One

I’ve ran two online stores and did freelance work off and on since 2006. I only started taking steps to nudge Cindy Ho Designs to the next level one year ago. With a full time career and being a full time mom, it has been challenging. many late nights and early rises. Many evenings not working on it at all. Some days are discouraging. Same days I feel higher then the stars. For those of you who like my work or ordered my designs, THANK YOU!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wake Up. Kiss Ass. Be Kind. Repeat.


This is one of my favourite prints.  I saw this randomly in my LinkedIn news feed.  I know this isn’t an original saying but I love out it turned out.  Something to live by every day.