Friday, December 25, 2015

Jewel – Husky Digital Cutting File


A couple of years ago,  Ana asked to make a custom family Christmas card for her.  She’s one of the most vibrant ladies I’ve ever met.  She had a sweet husky named Jewel.

I generally prefer designing my own cutting files, however, she didn’t give me a lot of time to design her and her son. So I purchased some ready made files from SVG Cutting Files and made some adjustments to suit so they represented her family well.  This site is a great for any owner of a desktop digital cutter.    Their files fully editable so you can customize your creations. 

Jewel, however, I wanted to make my own cutting file as I couldn’t find cutting file that matched the SVG ones purchased.  I took heavy reference to a cute husky drawing done by a talented artist with the handle Gingalengendamterasu on Deviantart.  It was a frustrating but wonderful challenge to recreate the husky as a paper cut project.  The project ended up wonderfully.

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